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《SGEM》-Competition Qualifiers(Mage Babo) ORE Release List

Post Date:2022-03-26 11:32

SGEM Residents:

SGEM CITY - Competition Qualifiers(Mage Babo)  is over. Thank you all for your participation.

In the future, we will optimize the tournament mechanism and enrich the tournament content。

The ORE rewards for this competition have all been distributed,The top five residents in the ranking can check the SGEM community interface to receive their rewards.

Tip:You enter the SGEM community interface, you need to click the refresh button of ORE

Reward List

Ranking Nickname Rewards
1 ATOZ ORE*500
2 郑和下西洋 ORE*300
3 ユウ☆ ORE*200
4 电竞周杰伦 ORE*100
5 プログラマー ORE*100
More exciting tournaments will be launched in April,Stay tuned!




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