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《SGEM》Babo Vitality System Introduction

Post Date:2022-06-09 10:15

Babo vitality value is necessary to participate in the battle to earn wAA in SGEMCITY

1.Each Babo's vitality value is capped at 1000 points

2.When the vitality of Babo ≤500,the wAA income is reduced to 80%;When the vitality of Babo ≤200,the wAA income is reduced to 10%

3.Each time you launch an attack you need to consume this Babo vitality

4.When the defense is successful, you need to consume Babo vitality
5.Genesis Babo consumes less vitality than normal Babo

6.The lending Babo need to ensure that the vitality value is greater than 500. At the end of the relationship, the system will deduct the
corresponding Babo vitality according to the number of wAA the owner has obtained

7.You can use wAA to restore the Babo Vitality




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